Depending on the type of repair, elbow line repairs typically employ the open-cut method, an evasive process that entails digging up a significant portion of property, more work if the pipes reside under concrete.
The Elbow Packer may eliminate the need to remove concrete, pathways or landscaping, only requires one access point. This is called a cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) and is a dig free approach to repair existing pipelines. The Elbow Packer can be pushed or pulled into place to create a wrinkle-free liner, even in a 90-degree bend and structurally rehabilitates the bend while remaining cost and time effective.
The Elbow Repair System is used globally to fix sections of pipe connected to the main sewer line or where transitional bends are inaccessible. We do not recommend The Elbow Packer for collapsed, severely broken pipe or heavy root blockages.
call Steam Canada in London Ontario Area today and we’ll provide you with a solution.