As we are nearing the end of November Christmas music is everywhere. It’s in stores, it’s on the radio, and some radio stations are playing all Christmas music and nothing else until December 26th. Are you a fan of Christmas music or are you hoping December 26th gets here quickly? Here’s what your favorite Christmas song says about you.
The Chipmunk Song: You’re 5 years old.

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer: You’re 8 years old.

Grandma got run over by a Reindeer: you’re 12 years old.

Let it snow: You are dependable. Others often count on you and it probably never snows where you live.

Baby its cold outside: You like to have fun. Often the life of the party.
Blue Christmas: You are an introvert. You enjoy quite times at home.
All I want for Christmas is you: You enjoy Christmas but want to make it perfect for everyone. You often feel overwhelmed with your long to-do list.
Santa Baby: You like to laugh, even if it is at your expense. You enjoy karaoke
Feliz Navidad: You are serious about your Christmas traditions. You do the same traditions year after year.
Deck the halls: You are highly organized and plan ahead. You have 38 boxes of Christmas lights.

Jingle Bells: You are a happy person but also forgetful you can only memorize 2 stanzas of anything.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas: You are giving and thoughtful. You often think of others feelings. You enjoy a good long cry and have seen your favorite Christmas movie dozens of times.
Happy Xmas (war is over): You are often nostalgic and passionate. You are likely giving a peace sign in your holiday card.
The 12 days of Christmas: Christmas music really isn’t your thing.
Whichever your favorite song is crank up the tunes and enjoy. Remember Christmas music is around only once a year.