
How to remove skunk odours

Myth or Fact? Most people would say the best way to remove skunk smell is by taking a bath in tomato juice. This is a myth. It is believed that tomato juice works because at high doses of skunk spray the human nose quits smelling the skunk odour and the […]

How to remove wax from your carpets or upholstery

When wax is spilled onto your carpet, this can become problematic. Here’s a how- to to remove wax from your carpet. Wax can get stuck in the carpet fibers and leave a large stain. Scrape off any excess hardened wax. Place ice cubes in a bag and freeze the wax. […]

How To Remove Red Wine From Your Carpet

What steps should be taken to get remove red wine from your carpet. The quicker you are to deal with the wine stain, the better the chance you have at removing the entire stain. Once the spill happens it is best to get a white towel or paper towel. Ensure […]

The Benefits of hiring professional cleaning services

Dust Allergies are a big problem in our homes, especially for those that have allergies to dust. It can cause itchy eyes, running nose, sore throats and breathing issues. When you hire a professional, they will use commercial equipment and supplies such as vacuums. Commercial vacuums use HEPA filtered vacuums […]